

周四(3月3日)现货黄金一度冲高至1268.68美元/盎司,创1年来新高,周五(3月4日)小幅回落至1260.8美元附近。隔夜美国经济数据表现欠佳,避险需求升温,推高金价。若周五美国非农表现良好,金价或承压。(现货黄金月线图 来源:彭博) 3月3日公布的数据显示,美国1月耐用品订单环比终值由4.9%向下修正至4.7%;1月工厂订单环比增加1.6%,不及预期值得2.1%;2月27日当周初请失业金人数27.8万高于预期的27万,多项数据均差强人意,美联储3月再次加息预期降温,美元指数承压,金价攀升。 进入2016年后,相比其他大宗商品,黄金表现突出,美国货币政策将进一步紧缩的预期减弱,全球股市波动加大,促使越来越多的投资者选择黄金。 周五美国时段,将公布美国2月非农就业就业数据,周三公布的ADP就业数据为21.4万,好于预期的19万,令非农乐观情绪升温。 盛宝银行商品研究主管Ole Hansen表示,若周五非农就业人数表现不错,这将十分不利于金价。若其增加22.5万人将打压金价并推高美元,若高于23万人,金价可能会快速下跳,重新下测1200美元整数关口。 北京时间12:30,现货黄金报1262.16美元/盎司。 DJ#: Spot Gold Hits a One-Year High of $1,264.05/oz Gold prices rose to a one-year high in Asia on Friday, propelled by weak economic data in the U.S. and robust safe-haven demand for the precious metal. Spot gold hit a high of $1,264.05 a troy ounce. The rally in gold was fuelled by weaker-than-expected U.S. factory orders and slower growth in service industries, diluting the chance of a rate increase soon. Gold has been an outperformer compared with other commodities since the beginning of the year, as muted expectations of U.S. monetary tightening as well as volatility in other assets such as equities have prompted more investors to increase their holdings of the precious metal. 上一篇:下一篇:上海金银高开高走,上海金涨幅1.23%